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- Bartley, Regina
Chased (The Graysen Pack Series) Page 2
Chased (The Graysen Pack Series) Read online
Page 2
“Thanks.” I was blushing worse now. But he is so sweet. “Do you mind if I ask you a personal question?” I asked, but couldn’t bring myself to look at him.
“Of course, you can ask me anything.”
At first I hesitated, “Well, I was just wondering why you are so hot.”
I hit him in the arm jokingly. “You know what I mean.”
“I’m just warm blooded. I’ve always been this way. Just think of me as your very own heater.”
Mmmmm sounds nice. You can heat up my space anytime... He wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me tight. This gesture shocked me a little, but I didn’t let it show. I wanted him to keep his arm there forever. That is where it belonged.
“Where are we going?”
“Actually, I thought we could just take a walk. I will be your tour guide for all your entertaining needs. Nothing too over the top for our first date,” he smiled.
“This is a date?” I asked. I bit the inside of my jaw.
“I think so. If it’s okay with you, and you don’t mind that I didn’t buy you dinner.” He looked down at me. His smile widened as if to say, I am just joking. Lucky for him, I am quick on my feet.
“Actually, I am a little disappointed.” I bit my bottom lip. “No dinner. I hope you are not expecting a kiss at the end of this date, because I can’t kiss you unless you buy me dinner.” I laughed.
“I think there is a McDonald’s down the street.” The seriousness in his face had me pondering. Then he laughed. Okay jokester. I laughed too. His sense of humor was one of his many, adorable, qualities.
“Ha, ha smart guy.” I elbowed him in the stomach. We both laughed out loud.
We walked all over the campus talking about ourselves. He spoke about growing up in Canada, and how he had a large family. He spoke so highly about his parents, Laney and Zorin, were their names. He said that his dad had always been a dominant man, but his mother was a loving and understanding woman. He thought them to be a perfect match. His words not mine. I couldn’t help the sad feelings that began to show on my face. I envied him. He had what I wanted. He had a mother and father.
“I’ve been rambling on forever about myself. I’m sorry. I would love to hear more about you,” he said.
“What do you want to know?” I replied.
“Everything,” he answered.
I laughed out loud. “Not much exciting about me. I’m pretty normal, kind of boring actually.”
“Not boring. Beautiful, and intriguing, but not boring,” he stated. “Tell me about your parents.”
“Actually it’s just me and my mom, Jeanette. I haven’t ever met my dad. My mother says he is a wonderful man, but he left before I was born.” I wasn’t aware that abandonment made you a wonderful man. “He doesn’t seem so great to me,” I whispered softly. “The only thing I know about him is his name, Eli Samuels.”
“Did you say Eli?”
“Yes. Why?” I asked.
“Oh. It’s nothing. It sounded like a name I recognized, but I was mistaken.” There he goes again, mistaken? I mean who raised you, the Queen of England. I thought.
“So it’s just been my mom and me. She is amazing.” I tried really hard to hide the tears. I could feel them about to fall. Just breathe.
We made it back around the campus and stopped in front of my dorm. We sat together on the steps. His warm hand began rubbing my back. I knew it was an effort to try and comfort me, but it was only making me feel worse. Why am I getting so upset? I’ve been my whole life without a father. Why does it hurt so much, and why now?
“I’m sorry you are hurting, Avery,” he continued to rub my back.
“You know something. You are amazing.”
“Amazing?” he asked. His forehead squinted in question, and I could swear he was blushing.
“It’s like you know exactly what I am thinking. You are doubling as a mind reader. I am impressed.”
He grinned at me. “I have to confess something to you. I hope I am not too forward,” He proceeded, “I feel a strong connection to you. Please don’t freak out. I know we only just met.” He held my hand close to his chest.
I don’t know what to say; I feel it too. The butterflies in my stomach are acting up again. It’s like we are soul mates.
“I feel it too. I have never felt anything like this before,” I said, looking deeply into his eyes. It felt like being trapped in a trance. My eyes became glued to his and were unable to move away. He captured me with just a look.
My phone vibrated in my pocket. It broke my concentration away from his beautiful face. When I saw that it was Sam, I answered it. She was quick to tell me that I was late for supper, and that I should get my happy butt in gear. “I’m on my way. I’ll be there in five.”
“Everything, okay?”
“I’m sorry. I am late for supper with Sam.” I replied.
“And, Sam would be…?”
Trying to refrain from laughing became too difficult. With those serious eyebrows, I couldn’t contain myself. The look on his face made me giggle. He was so serious. “Samantha is my best friend in the world. I promised to meet her for supper. I have to go.”
He relaxed. “Okay. Can I see you tomorrow?”
“I’d love to. I will call or text you.”
I stood to leave and he leaned down to hug me. His warm arms were smothering my body. I didn’t want to leave them. His hand moved to the nape of my neck, and he pulled my face up to his. Our cheeks met. I don’t want to leave you. I heard a rumble from his chest. It didn’t scare me but made me lean in closer. His arms held me tighter, but he was so gentle. I really have to go.
He let go of his hold on me. “I will see you tomorrow,” he whispered lightly as he left.
I headed over to the mess hall to meet Sam. I started to get that anxious feeling again. I tried not to think about it. I was so excited to talk to Sam about Zen. I needed to hear her thoughts on the situation. I could count on her to give me a dose of reality.
She was at the table waiting on me when I arrived. “Hey Chick, oh how I’ve missed you.”
“Yeah, yeah, I almost replaced your ass with one of those hot boy toys sitting over there.” She winked at me.
“Well, be my guest hot stuff. If you’d like I’ll fetch one for you.” I whistled really loud.
“Sit Down, Wilma! I am fully capable of fetching my own man. I don’t need your help. Now, there are more important things to discuss. Tell me about this new boy of yours. Is he hot?”
“Oh yeah, smoking hot. Like a Kit Kat you know, break me off a piece of that.” I giggled like a school girl.
“Yummy… Does he have a brother?”
“Yes, and he has lots of friends to. He’s a football player,” I smirked. She just glared at me. I think secretly she knows that jocks aren’t my usual type. I am sure she will remain guarded until she assesses him for herself.
We sat there talking nearly two hours, and finished off an entire large pizza. Pepperoni and extra, extra cheese was our favorite. Both of us could eat pizza every day. I realize one of these days we won’t be able to eat like that. And I really should stop, considering I was sitting next to, Sam, who could easily be on the cover of Victoria’s Secret.
I wish I had your figure. She is much shorter than me at 5’3”. Petite is what I call her. She has curves in all the right places. Her hair is dark chocolate brown that falls straight and to the middle of her back. I always envied her beauty. She is the beauty of our duo. I carry the brains. I guess.
We finished up and started back toward the dorms. I filled her in on my day with Zen. I also told her about the anxious feelings I was having and the butterflies in my stomach. We talked the entire way back to the dorm.
“It sounds so romantic. Gosh. I am jealous. Something has to be wrong with the boy. You make him sound so perfect,” she shook her head.
“Tell me about it. I’ve only known him one day and I feel like he’s the one. Tell
me I am crazy and put me in an institution. I’m going nuts, Betty.”
“I would tell you that you are crazy chick, but I’d be lying. You have always been the level headed one. You never make irrational decisions. You always say what you are feeling no matter what. Just follow your heart. I’ll stand by that big butt of yours no matter what you do. Now when do I get to meet him?” Sam asked.
“We start class tomorrow but he wants to see me so I will arrange a meet-n-greet. Hey, do you want to stay over in my room tonight? We can have popcorn.”
“Let me just go change into my pajamas. I’ll bring the tequila,” she yelled over her shoulder as she went into her room.
“Ha, ha,” I stopped outside my door when I noticed a folded piece of paper taped to it. I opened it up hoping it was note from Zen, but he didn’t know which room I was in. I slowly read it aloud to myself.
I suggest you stay away from Zen if you know what is good for you. You are not like him. He’s always been mine, and I’m not going to let some bitch like you come in and steal him away. This is a promise to you that I will not stop. Don’t push me. I expect you not to go anywhere near him from now on, or else… I’ll be watching you.
Sleep with one eye open,
Chapter Three
I looked around the hallway, not knowing what to expect. I moved quickly into my room and read the note again. This is some real psycho stuff. Who is this crazy girl? I could feel my palms starting to sweat, when Sam barged in the door. She scared the pants off me. “Read this.” I nearly yelled when I handed her the note.
“Who lit the fuse on her tampon?”
I couldn’t help but laugh. “Tell me about it sister. This is crazy. Who the hell is Paige? I am not sure if I should laugh, cry, or scream. I feel like I’ve been played. I guess the Joke is on me, huh. I am such an idiot.” I just shook my head.
“Let’s just ask Zen first before we get dressed for war,” she said. “This could be just some crazy ex girlfriend. Or maybe, he is having some baby mama drama.”
“Really, thanks that helps.”
“Just saying.”
“I get it. I know what I have to do. I’m going to text him,” I said, grabbing my phone out of my bag. When I looked at it, I realized that I had an unread text message. I opened it.
“I have a text message from Zen. It says, “Miss you beautiful.” I could feel the anxiousness in the pit of my stomach. It only took a moment of me thinking about him to flare it up.
“Well … Isn’t that sweet,” Sam spoke sarcastically. “Ask him if he misses Paige, too, and if he thinks she’s beautiful.”
I had to get right to the point. But, it’s hard to concentrate with Sam singing in the background. “Hey you’re a crazy bitch.” And she sounded pretty bad too. So I took off my shoe and pitched it at her. I nailed her right in the side of the head.
“Ouch! Dang! Are you sure you didn’t get a baseball scholarship?” she asked rubbing her head.
“Focus chick. I’m writing Zen, and I need you for backup.” I stated and began to write.
Ava: Hey Zen! I need 2 know who Paige is & Y I am supposed to stay away from U or else.
“Get right to the point, why don’t you. No hey there, hi there, hello there,” Sam was waving her hands around.
“No need to beat around the bush.”
Zen: Why? What’s going on? Is she there?
Ava: No!! But I got a love note from her. It was hanging on my door.
Zen: We have a late night f-ball practice. Can I stop by your room after? I will explain everything.
Ava: Ok, but use the side door and take the stairs so you don’t get caught. Room 209.
Zen: I’ll b there around 10
Ava: And this better b good Zen.
Zen: I’m so sorry Avery
Ava: C U later.
Zen: C U
“You didn’t get much accomplished,” she was rambling on as she got up to make the popcorn. “But one good thing, I will get to meet his cute butt tonight.”
“I know, right. He does have a super cute butt, but I can’t think about that right now. He may be out of my life for good after tonight. He says that he has answers. I just hope they’re the right ones. So what movie do you want to watch?”
“Sorry to change the subject but do you want to go to the bookstore in the morning before class to get our books?” she asked me while climbing in the bed with the popcorn.
“Sounds good to me,” I said.
“Cool. Let’s watch Scream. Want to?” she suggested.
“That is perfect, because I can’t do the yucky love stuff tonight.”
We had several good laughs throughout the movie. Also, we had a few jumpy moments. I wasn’t sure why we jumped. We had seen the movie at least a dozen times and knew what was about to happen. We lay side by side in my twin bed with all the lights off. I lost track of the time and Sam started to drift off to sleep. Then someone knocked on the door. We jumped up together, nearly having a heart attack; stupid, stupid boy. Couldn’t he have texted me first.
Sam was holding her chest. “That had better be Zen at the door. If it’s someone wearing a white mask or a crazy chick named Paige, I’m hitting the fire escape wide open.”
I couldn’t help but laugh at her. Her hair was sticking straight up, and she was holding my blow dryer like a gun. “What are you going to do? Blow-dry him to death.”
“Ha! Ha! Smartass, I don’t see you holding a weapon. Now answer the door.”
I walked over to the door. “Who is it?” I asked.
“It’s Zen.”
I felt the butterflies in my stomach. I hate that he gets to me so much. I opened the door. Geez why do you have to look so good all the time? “Come in,” I said.
He walked in the door and saw Sam standing there with her blow dryer. He immediately threw up his hands. “I surrender,” he grinned at her.
She dropped the blow dryer down to her side. “That’s what I thought. Now don’t make me bring out the big guns. I’ve got a flat iron that is bad ass.” She grinned back at him.
“Zen, this is my mouthy friend Sam.” I introduced them.
“Best friend,” Sam corrected.
“Hello Sam. It’s very nice to meet you.”
“Yeah, yeah, it’s nice to meet you too.” She climbed back in the bed. “Oh, Ava, sweetie you’re right.”
“He is freaking hot. Isn’t that what you said?”
I pointed my finger at her. “Go to bed.”
Zen smiled at me, which made me melt like butter. “You want to go outside to talk?” He asked.
“Okay.” I started to walk out the door. He reached for my hand to hold it. I wanted him to so badly, but I pulled back. “I need some answers first.” He nodded in agreement. I handed him the note from Paige. When we reached the hallway, he sat down on the bench to read it.
“Avery, I can’t believe she did this. I am so sorry for the way she has acted.”
“Who is she?” I asked.
“Paige Vanning. She has had an infatuation with me for years. I honestly can’t believe she is going to such great measures. I mean, I haven’t spoken to her for almost a year,” he explained.
I sat down next to him. “Did you date her?” Why in the hell did I ask that? It is none of my business, and I am prying right into it, like it is.
“No. We never dated. She has always been a close friend to my family. Several years ago, she told me that she had feelings for me. I politely told her that I didn’t share the same feelings. She didn’t take it well. It wouldn’t have worked. Trust me when I say, we are completely wrong for each other.
“I understand what you are saying, but the girl knows my name and where my room is. She threatened me.” I looked into his brown eyes deeply. “What is she going to do if she sees me with you?”
“Nothing, I will talk to her. I don’t want you to be scared to be with me.” He brushed the hair
back away from my face. “I will call my dad too. He will know what to do.”
I don’t want to look like a fool. Please don’t hurt me. I thought.
“I promise to keep you safe, and I promise I won’t hurt you.” He hugged me tight and kissed the top of my head lightly. “Please believe me.”
“I do, but…” I rubbed my hands along his back. I could feel the muscles, and I was picturing what he looked like without his shirt. I felt my face turning red. “But keep her away from me. I don’t even know what she looks like. This means, I won’t know if she is near me,”
“It’s okay. She is not going to get close to you. You really need to get to bed and get some rest. We have class tomorrow,” he said.
“You really are a bossy butt.” I gave him my cutest evil face ever. Looking at him out of the corner of my eye I said, “And I don’t have to take it.”
“You really are cute when you are trying to be mad.” He smiled a big smile.
I smiled back and blushed red. “Will you call me tomorrow?”
“Actually, I will see you in Physics,” he smirked.
“How did you manage that? You are a sophomore and it is a Freshman Physics class.” I gave him a questionable look.
“I took a Bio-chem. class last year, not Physics. I’m studying medicine. Plus, it helps that Coach Mack is the Professor. He pulled some strings.”
“So you are smart and good looking. Now is the time to make a break for it. You know, find someone more in your league.” I looked down at my feet hoping he wouldn’t run.
“Would you stop? You’re beautiful, smart, and funny, and beautiful.” He pulled me in for one more hug and leaned into my neck. He took a deep breath and his chest rumbled again. I could feel his breath on my neck and shoulder. I don’t know what that noise is you are making, but it is so sexy. He whispered softly under his breath. I couldn’t understand him but it sounded like he said, “the things I would like to do to you.” Oh hell.
“All right now you’d better get to bed. I need to find Paige,” he gave me a sweet little shove towards the door.