Chased (The Graysen Pack Series) Read online


  The Graysen Pack Series

  Book One

  By Regina Bartley

  Copyright © Regina Bartley 2012All rights Reserved

  To Jason, Christopher, and Brooklyn, who always

  know just what to say... I love you more!

  Chapter One

  I put my car in park in front of the old building, and took a deep breath. I clinched my hands on the steering wheel so tightly that my knuckles began turning white. I was trying really hard to calm my nerves. Just Breathe. College will be the beginning of your new life. I thought.

  I looked around for a moment trying to take it all in. The large campus is very old, but absolutely beautiful. The lawns are filled with old oak trees and picnic tables. The buildings have gold trimming around the stained glass windows. I noticed a large banner hanging between two trees on the lawn that read WELCOME FRESHMEN TO FALLENTOWN UNIVERSITY EST. 1861. I can’t believe I am here. I can hear my heart beating in my throat. Something of this magnitude should not be happening to me. I am just a small town girl from West Virginia.

  I stepped out of the car to greet my mom and to shake off the nerves. She must have been crying the whole way. Her mascara was halfway down her cheeks, and she was flushed red.

  “It’s gonna be ok, Mom. You knew I would grow up sooner or later. You don’t get to keep me forever,” I said sympathetically. I turned the bottom of my shirt inside out to wipe her face. That’s something she would have done to me as a child. This broke the tension because we both started to laugh. “We’d better get going.” I grabbed the bags from the trunk.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to go to school closer to home?” Mom asked in a serious tone. “It’s Pennsylvania for crying out loud. I will never see you.” She looked up with her sad, brown, eyes. She is petite at 5’1”. Mom says I get my height from my dad. I stand 5’7”, so she is always looking up at me.

  “Yes, you will. You will see me, I promise. As much as I’d love to stay close to home, I can’t. They offered me a full scholarship. This means no money out of pocket, and all I have to do is get awesome grades. I have to jump at this offer before they realize I’m not a smart as they think I am,” I joked.

  “Well we better get you settled in then. I’d hate to think we drove all this way for nothing,” She grinned. I loved her side grin, and her quirky sense of humor. She could be quite funny when she was just being herself. I was definitely going to miss having her around every day, considering I had spent every day with her for the past eighteen years.

  We carried several bags inside the Freeman Hall building on the West lawn. This is where we are supposed to get the dormitory arrangements according to the large packet I got in the mail, along with my now framed acceptance letter. The campus was quite large so we just followed the crowd across the lawn.

  We walked through the double doors and were greeted by a very large and noisy crowd. There was a long table set up where people were signing in. I didn’t recognize anyone. I was beginning to feel odd and out of place. Nothing new, after several years I had grown accustomed to it.

  However, I did notice a group of hot guys. Of course, guys would be the first thing I would notice. They were standing around in a pack and one of them couldn’t seem to take his eyes off me... Wow! He has gorgeous eyes, and damn, what a body! Just look away, Ava. Then he grinned at me like he heard exactly what I said. I couldn’t help but blush. And still I could barely take my eyes off him. He was wearing a cut-off shirt and his muscles, O.M.G.

  Mom tugged me along to sign in. She must have seen me gazing at him. Actually, I may as well have been drooling. “I can’t take you anywhere.” She tugged harder.

  We walked over and were greeted by a nice looking older man. He held a clip board and wore an ink pen behind his ear. He had broad shoulders and looked like he lifted weights regularly. One thing’s for sure, this school did not have a shortage of good looking boys.

  “Welcome,” he said. “I am Professor David Macklenerez.”

  I raised my eyebrows. I must have had a strange look on my face. But, I knew I would get that name wrong if I ever tried to say it.

  He just smiled at me. “I know it’s a handful. Most people just call me Professor Mack. I teach Physics.”

  “It’s nice to meet you. I’m Avery Jean Samuels, but you can call me Ava. And this is my mother Jeanette.”

  “Very nice to meet you both,” he said while scanning down his clipboard. “Well, it says here that you are an academic scholar.” I smiled because it was a big accomplishment for me. “That’s wonderful. Did you tour the campus over the summer?” he asked.

  “Uh huh,” I nodded, “but I didn’t get to see everything.”

  “That’s okay, you will soon be familiar. You will be all over this campus in no time. But, until you become familiar, I have your map, and the keys to your dorm. I also have your cafeteria card for all your grub. You will be staying in Jade Hall, room 209. If you need anything you just give me a shout. I’m also the coach of the Falcons football team, so you let me know if any of my boys give you any trouble,” he said so sweetly.

  “Sure thing Coach!” I gestured, giving him the whole gun point, click, and wink of the eye thing. What? Am I ten years old? I thought. My face turned red with embarrassment.

  “Thanks for your help, Professor,” Mom said. She was looking all hot and bothered. Oh Yeah! Mom is crushing on Professor Mack. I’m sure we both were looking a hot mess, but he didn’t seem to mind.

  “No problem,” he replied.

  We picked up my bags and headed outside. I pulled out the map. I examined it carefully. I pointed in the direction of the dorms and led the way. I kept hearing someone from a distance calling out my name, but the voice was so faint. I’ve always had an excellent ear. I could hear things from pretty far away. I always considered it a gift, especially since I could hear when my mom was trying to ease drop or when people were whispering from across the room. The voice calling my name seemed much closer now.

  “Ava!” She yelled again.

  “Sam! Oh Sam. I am so pumped to see you,” I dropped my bags and ran to her. I gave her the biggest hug. It had only been twenty four hours, but I missed her already.

  “I am glad you are finally here. Hey, Mrs. S.” She smiled. “I have been here for freaking ever and I don’t know anyone. Where is your dorm room?”

  Samantha Maldin or Sam as I like to call her has been my best friend since the 6th grade. Her parents have more than enough money to send her to any college in the country, but she loves me so much she came with me. She said that she didn’t care which college she went to as long as she didn’t have to do it alone. ”I’m in Jade Hall room 209. Please tell me your room is somewhere close to me. And I need to know the D.L. on all the hotness!” I squeezed her hand pulling her towards the dorm.

  “D.L?” Mom said with a confused look.

  “Down low, Mom, keep up,” I said.

  “Yeah, yeah,” Mom rolled her eyes.

  “I’m in room 211, right next door,” Sam said jumping up and down in excitement.

  “All right girls, we’d better get moving. It’s getting late, and I need to be getting home,” Mom spoke softly. We didn’t have too much more to carry in. It took us only two trips and we had everything. Mom looked so tired. I knew she needed to get going. She had a long trip ahead of her.

  She didn’t stay for me to unpack. She was exhausted. Once we had the last boxes in the room, I walked her to her car. We had a quick goodbye so that neither of us would cry. I hugged her neck. “I will email you every day, and you can call my cell if you need me. Are you sure you are going to be okay Mom?” I asked.

Quit worrying about me. You just remember everything I told you, and stay focused. It’s easy to get off track. And call me if you need anything. I left some extra money inside your Pride and Prejudice book.” She smiled at me and kissed my cheek. It’s my favorite book so she knew it would be the first one I’d open.

  “I love you, and I’m gonna miss you.” I kissed her check and felt the tears rolling down.

  “More,” she said and she got into her car to leave.

  I stood there in the parking lot and watched as she drove off. The tears were pouring. I’m not sure what it was that made me so upset. I knew that I was ready to be Miss Independent. I guess leaving her was a lot harder than I thought it would be.

  The longer I stood there, the darker the campus got. I started to get a little anxious because there weren’t many lights on the lawn, and I had quite a ways to walk by myself, in the dark. I’m not too proud to admit. I am freaking scared of the dark.

  I tried to hurry. I was feeling like I was in a horror movie being chased; only no one was chasing me. I could feel myself getting worked up. I was nearly in a sprint, running back to the dorms. I kept my head down trying not to trip on anything and fall. I could feel the sweat beading up on my forehead, and the tears dried to my cheeks. I ran faster. Then, I smacked right into what felt like a brick wall. I fell back on the grass and realized it was him. It was the guy I saw earlier, the one standing with the pack of guys when we checked in.

  “Ouch! I’m,” I wanted to say I’m sorry but being breathless I couldn’t speak. “I’m sorry I didn’t see you there,” I apologized. Wow! He is breathtaking I thought. He stood very tall at 6’2”or taller. He had dark brown hair that was short and kind of messy. And his golden brown eyes nearly paralyzed me. Freaking hot guy… He’s got to quit looking at me like that if he expects me to function and not pass out. I sighed aloud.

  He bent down in front of me. “No harm done, to me anyway. Are you okay Avery?”

  “I’m great actually. But how do you know my name?” I asked.

  “I hope you don’t mind but I asked Coach. I saw you talking to him earlier in Freeman Hall,” he said as he held out his hand to help me up.

  “Oh. So you’re a football player?” I should have known. He is built like a rock and out of my league gorgeous. I hesitated but graciously took his hand. He felt so warm. Almost hot, like feverish. But there was something about his touch. It was so inviting and comforting. I had to nearly force myself to let go once I stood up.

  “Yes, I am.” He grinned. That smile made me blush. And he must have noticed because I heard a faint laugh from under his breath. “My name is Zenick Graysen, My friends call me Zen.”

  “It’s very nice to meet you, but I’d better be getting back to my room.” I smiled and headed toward the dorms.

  “Are you sure you’re okay?” he asked.

  “Fine thanks.”

  “Hey Avery”


  “Would you like to see the rest of the campus tomorrow? I could show you around,” he said very politely.

  “You… you want to show me around?” I stumbled with the words.

  “Sure I do.”

  “Yeah, okay, sure.”

  “Awesome! I will be at the picnic tables in front of your dorm around 9 if that’s okay.” He said it quickly like an excited little boy.

  “Actually I have to register for classes at 8:30, but I can text you when I am done.” I smiled at him, hoping I wasn’t being to forward.

  He grinned at me. “That sounds good.” So we exchanged phone numbers. And when we were about to leave he caught me completely off guard, which wasn’t hard to do in his presence. He leaned in close to my cheek. He was so close that I could feel the heat radiating off of his body and his breath touching my face. He smelled wonderful, almost like the woods but so masculine. He whispered lightly, “Good night, Avery, I will see you tomorrow. Sweet dreams.”

  Oh shit… I am in trouble.

  I barely made it to my room. I still felt like I was in his presence. He was so intoxicating. I was going to call Sam but my mind was running crazy. So I sent her a quick text.

  Ava: Hey Sam! I met a hot guy outside! Wants 2 c me tomorrow. Got 2 register 4 classes @ 830. Will meet u 4 supper @ 6. Mess Hall.

  Sam: Whatever… Spill it now! Wilma.

  Ava: Can’t Betty. His face made me drunk. LOL!

  Sam: LMAO! After you recover from your hangover I want the goods. Love u.

  Ava: I will take 2 Tylenol and call you tomorrow doc. Love u 2

  The next couple of hours I spent turning my dorm room into my new home. My room is very small, but I don’t mind. My room back home was small too. It just needed a little love. I made my bed up and put down my rug, filled the bookshelf, and hooked up my computer. It seemed I was doing everything I could to get Zen off of mind.

  It wasn’t working. This strange feeling in the pit of my stomach was there every time I thought about him. I couldn’t shake it and it wasn’t going away. Why am I feeling this way? I’ve never really been in love. Is this what love feels like? It can’t be. I hardly know him. It’s just a crush.

  It wasn’t getting any better. So I decided to take a shower and go to bed. I knew that tomorrow I would get to see him again.

  After a quick shower I changed into a large t-shirt and flannel pants and got into bed. I opened my Pride and Prejudice book. It has become routine for me to read it before bed. Turning to my bookmark, the money my mom had left fell out into my lap. There was $200 and a picture of Mom and me at graduation. It was the perfect gesture. I will miss her tremendously. I sat the picture on my night stand, so that I could see her every day. Flipping through the pages quickly I realized I didn’t need the book. I knew it by heart. I recited one of my favorite parts.

  “I am no longer surprised at your knowing only six accomplished women. I rather wonder now at your knowing any.” Mrs. Elizabeth had a way with words. I adored her character. After reciting a little more, I drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter Two

  I woke up bright and early. I was looking forward to starting my morning with a run. I washed my face and changed into my favorite hot pink, Victoria’s Secret sweats. When I stood in front of my door length mirror, everything seemed off. My legs appeared too long, my body too skinny, and my hair is boring-long, wavy, and the dullest shade of brown. That isn’t even mentioning my muddy brown eyes. The only part of my figure worth looking at is my chest. I’ve always been a little busty.

  What does he see in me? I am such an average Joe. I glanced up and down at myself in the mirror. He could have any girl he wants. Maybe that’s it. Maybe he’s already dated everyone and I’m all that’s left. I laughed out loud at the thought. I was not used to having this type of guy flirt with me. You know his type. The overly hot jock who could have any cheerleader with just one flex of the muscle. I have always been ordinary and from the looks of this boy, he needs extraordinary. I put the thoughts deep in my mind and headed out for my run.

  I ran all the time back at home. It was my way of getting away from chaos. I ran to clear my head. All of the thoughts I was having about him were putting me into serious creeper mode. Running will help. Deep breathe in through the mouth, and out through the nose.

  I still had him on my mind, and I wanted to keep him there. So be it. His gorgeous eyes and his warm body filled up my thoughts. If running wouldn’t make them disappear, then they were here to stay. I know my cheeks were bright red just thinking about him.

  I nearly missed registration since my mind was wondering. I had to run all the way there. I hoped I could get my brain to think about something else for a moment, not just him.

  Registration felt like speed dating. Jumping from one table to the next trying to make sure I got all of the classes I needed. It took about an hour, and I managed to squeeze into every class I wanted. I even got into the Physics class I wanted with Professor Mack. I am looking forward to it. He seems quick witted, and it didn’t hurt
that he is hot. There won’t be any dull moments in that class. I’m sure.

  Once I made it out of registration, I couldn’t wait to text Zen. I walked outside toward the library. The weather was beautiful. The sun felt warm against my face. I pulled my phone out of my jacket pocket, but fidgeted for a moment. I wanted to think of something good to say. Unfortunately, nothing good came to mind.

  Ava: Good morning Zen! It’s Ava u busy?

  Zen: Actually I am busy… Busy thinking of you ;)

  Ava: Cheesy much

  I couldn’t help but smile.

  Zen: Cheesy much????

  Ava: LOL! Really, I just meant your line was kind of corny. Do u use it on everyone?

  Zen: LOL! No u r the first and only.

  Ava: U trying to score brownie points.

  Zen: Is it working?

  Ava: May B

  Zen: Good! You ready 4 your tour?

  Ava: YES!

  Zen: Ok. Do u know where the library is?

  Ava: Yes

  Zen: Meet me there in 5

  Ava: Bossy aren’t we!!

  Zen: Perhaps. But I apologize. Will u please meet me there in 5?

  Ava: WOW! Nice apology, but not necessary. I am already outside library

  Zen: Damn girl u r quick… C U soon!

  Sitting down on the steps, I began reading through the texts again. I smiled and laughed at his cute remarks, and I could feel the butterflies swarming in my stomach. It became knotted and uneasy, something I have never felt before.

  “That shade of red on your cheeks is lovely.” He reached out his hand for mine. He had startled me for a moment.

  Reading his messages had made me blush and he was quick to notice. I couldn’t help but smile as I took his hand. He looks hot as usual, and he felt hot again too. He was wearing loose fitting jeans, and a white and blue striped polo shirt. I was still sporting the, I just ran a marathon look. I look like the biggest bum next to you.

  “You look beautiful this morning,” he said. No one speaks like this. His mother must have taught him well. He has a bit of an accent, but it isn’t his accent that intrigues me. It is his manner of speaking.